Reiche Reiche Arme Arme Eine Suche an den Rändern

In the first part of the evening, three performers explore the theme of ‘wealth’ through movement patterns that were and are practised as social dances. The statements of rich people are superimposed on the choreography. In between, we follow the wealth researcher Rudolf Martin in video sequences through Hamburg. The second part explores the lives of poor people in ever new ways and shows how poverty is systemically characterised and persists.

ARME ARME REICHE REICHE combines different theatrical means and forms to explore the subtle differences and to powerfully counter the threatening hopelessness and powerlessness: another world is possible.

Choreography & Direction: Vasna Aguilar & Henri Hüster, Text: Dagrun Hintze, Sean Keller, Dramaturgy: Lena Carle, Stage and Costume: Chiara Mizaikoff, Composition: Florentin Berger-Monit & Johannes Wernicke, Performing: Raha Emami Khansari, Madeleine Lauw, Marco Merenda, Video: Mokhtar Namdar, Light-Design: Sönke Christian Herm, Artistic Productionsassistant: Finn Vincent Longwitz

Supported by: Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg, Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, LICHTHOF Stiftung

24 minutes Gallus Theater Frankfurt 2024

Concept and Choreography: Vasna Aguilar & Gustavo Gomes, Music: Ashley Wright, Video: Gustavo Gomes, Dancers: Gustavo Gomes and Vasna Aguilar, As part of 24hours X 24minutes produced by Gallus Theater Frankfurt, Direction & Concept : Raffaele Irace, Photo by Marciej Rusinek

Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen, Italy Premiere 20.01.2024

Direction: Felix Hafner , Stage & Costumes: Elisabeth Weiß, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Performance by: Kerstin Jost, Jasmin -Mairhofer, Tamara Semzov, Lukas Spisser, Paolo Tosin, Live music: ANGER – Julian Angerer, Moritz Kolmbauer, Nora Pider, Lights: Jan Wagner, Sound Design: Elias Gamper, Assistant Director: Michaela Stocker, Dramaturgy internship & surtitles (school performances): Theresa Prey, Translation & surtitles (evening performances): Benedetta Raso, Dramaturgy: Daniel Theuring, Photo: Nikolaus Ostermann

The Magic Mountain after Thomas Mann, Wuppertaler Bühnen
Premiere: 24.06.2023

Direction: Henri Hüster , Stage & Costumes: Hanna Rode, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Music Composition: Florentin Berger – Monat, Johannes Wernicke, Dramaturgy: Christopher Schmidt, Assistant director: Alexander Sturm, Assistant set designer: Léonard Bourrecoud, Assistant (Inclusion): Kristina Runde, Performance by Schauspiel Wuppertal: REBEKKA BIENER, JULIA WOLFF,  ALEXANDER PEILER, KONSTANTIN RICKERT, HANS RICHTER, LARA SIENCZAK & Inklusives  Studio, Wuppertal

Three Sisters, after Anton Tschechow, Wuppertaler Bühnen
Premiere: 21.05.202

Direction: Henri Hüster, Stage and Costume: Hanna Rode, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Music composition: Florentin Berger – Monit & Johannes Wernicke, Performance by: Schauspiel Wuppertal, Dramaturgy: Barbara Noth, Light: Sina Kohn, Fotos: Jakob Schnetz

und alle Tiere rufen: dieser Titel rettet die welt auch nicht mehr (monkey’s go to heaven) a requiem of extinction after Thomas Köck Klabauter Theater Hamburg Premiere: 15.09.2022

Direction: Henri Hüster, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Stage & Costume: Lea Burkhalter, Music: Florian Polzin, Performance by Klabauter Theater Ensemble and Lukas Gander and Paulie Stöhr, Light: Jan Walsh, Fotos: Felix Posner

Angels in America after Tony Kushner 2022 Tiroler Landestheater Innsbruck, Austria Premiere: 26.02.2022

Direction: Felix Hafner, Stage and Costume: Elisabeth Weiss, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Music: Clemens Wenger, Dramaturgy: Lisa Koller, Performance by Tiroler Landestheater Innsbruck Ensemble, Photo: Birgit Gufler

Publikumsbeschimpfung after Peter Handke Klabauter Theater Hamburg Premiere: 29.10.2020

Direction: Henri Hüster, Stage and Costume: Lea Burkhalter, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Music: Florian Plozin, Light: Jan Walsh, Performance by: Klabauter Theater Ensemble, Lukas Gander and Pauline Stöhr, Photo: Jakob Stolz, Gisela Köhler, Felix Posner

Crime and Punishment after Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski Konzert Theater Bern, Switzerland Premiere: 27.02.2020

Direction: Henri Hüster, Stage and Costume: Marie Sturminger, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Music: Florentin Berger- Monit & Johannes Wernicke, Dramaturgy: Lea Lustenberger, Light: Patricia Zwahlen, Assistence: Sophia Aurich, Performance by : Ensemble Konzert Theater Bern, Photo: Annette Boutellier

Avigdor Classics Festival Bern – Kammermusikfestival 2019

Avigdor Classics presents its fourth and final festival concert in the melodious concert hall of the Bern Conservatory with works that reflect the motto “Souvenir musical” in perhaps its most original form: childhood memories. These are works that remind us of our youth and tell children’s stories. As a grand finale, festival musicians and young musicians from the Sinfonietta Konservatorium Bern will perform tangos together, creating a colorful firework display. The performers are Olga Zado (piano), Saskia Otto (violin), Romana Kaiser (cello), Rosie Richardson (piano), Javier López Sanz (violin), Christa Jardine (viola), René Camacaro (cello), Edouard Mätzener (violin), Luciano Jungman (bandoneon), festival musicians and La Sinfonietta of the Musikschule Konservatorium Bern.

Dancers: Vasna Aguilar


Theater der Nacht by Hannes Becker Lichthof Theater Hamburg Premiere:25.10.2019

Direction: Herni Hüster, Stage: Lea Burkhalter, Costume: Magdalena Vogt, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Composition: Wolfgang Siuda, Text & Dramaturgy: Hannes Becker, Public Relations: Christine Grosche, Performed by: Vasna Aguilar, Lukas Gander, Mareike Hein, Hannes Becker, Photo: Maximilian Arntzen

Richard III after
William Shakespeare
Wuppertaler Bühnen Premiere: 21.05.2019

Direction: Henri Hüster, Stage and Costume: Hanna Rode, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Music: Florentin Berger – Monit & Johannes Wernicke, Dramaturgy: Barbara Noth, Assistence: Jonas Willardt, Assistence Direction: Verena Meis, Performance: Schauspiel Wuppertal, Photo: Jakob Schnetz

Versuch über die Schwierigkeit Nein zu sagen Lichthof Theater Hamburg 2018

Direction: Herni Hüster, Stage: Lea Burkhalter, Costume: Marie Sturminger, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Dramaturgy: Lena Carle, Assistent Direction and Communication: Christine Grosche, Light: Sönke C.Herrm, Performed by Vasna Aguilar, Lukas Gander, Julia Franz Richter, Pauline Stöhr, Photos: Jakob Schnetz

Encounters / Begegnungen For the Dance Company Osnabrück Premiere: Spieltriebe 2017

Concept & Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Dramaturgy: Dr.Patricia Stökemann, Performance: Dance Ensemble of the Company Osnabrück, Costume and Set: Christine Bertel, Music:  Emil Lewandowski, Photo: Uwe Lewandowski – Theater Osnabrück

Performance / Formation Mart Stam Preis 2017 Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien Berlin

Concept : Alina Rentsch & Luisa Kleemann, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Video: Roman Hagenbrock, Performers: Olivia McGregor, Élise Schneider, Léllé Demertz, Photo: Rie Yamada

IRRE after Rainald Goetz Lichthof Theater Hamburg Premiere: 20.01.2017

Direction: Henri Hüster, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Dramaturgy: Lena Carle, Stage: Lea Burkhalter, Costume: Marie Sturminger, Performance by: Vasna Aguilar, Aurel von Arx,  Anna Eger and Lukas Gander, Direction Assistence: Stella Ruszkowski, Stage Assistence: Eva Wagner, Light: Sönke C.Herm, Photo: Angelina Vernetti

Ein weiteres Beispiel für die Durchlässigkeit gewisser Grenzen Kampnagel Hamburg Premiere: 08.01.2016

Direction: Henri Hüster, Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Stage: Lea Burkhalter, Costume: Martha Lange, Dramaturgy: Nikolai Ulbricht, Video: Bene Werth, Assistance Direction: Jette Büshel, Production: Laura Pischek, Performed by: Katharina Binz, Lukas Gander, Marius Bistitzky, Paul Grote, Marie Popall, Gabriel Schneider, Julia Franz Richter, Milena Straube, Tamara Theisen, Vasna Aguilar, Photo: Jakob Schnetz

Open Windows III, Young Choreographers Theater Osnabrück, Dance Company Osnabrück
Premiere: 24.April.2015

Concept & Choreography: Vasna Aguilar, Dramaturgy: Patricia Stöckemann, Performed by: Hsiao Ting Liao, Lennart Huysentruyt, David Lukas Hemm, Photos: Uwe Lewandowski Theater Osnabrück
